SAN ANTONIO - The Bexar County Sheriff’s Office has become aware of new scams targeting the family members of recently incarcerated individuals at the Bexar County Jail.
In one case, a victim reported that an individual impersonating “Captain Ferguson” (who does not work for BCSO) contacted the family of an arrested person, promoting a fake bail bond program called the “Shelf Program” or “Second Chance Program”.
According to BCSO, the scammer demanded approximately $2,000 via Zelle or Cash App over the phone to secure the relative’s release.
To convince victims, the caller falsely promised case expungement or dismissal within six months if no re-arrests occurred.
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In other cases, scammers using different fake deputy names told families their loved one qualified for a GPS monitor but needed to pay a fee over the phone before release.
A common factor in all these scams is that the scammers demand payment over the phone to secure an inmate’s release.
The Bexar County Sheriff’s Office explained that no law enforcement agency will ever demand payment over the phone to avoid arrest or release an inmate.